As previously reported, the communities Temwa severe are experiencing one of the worse hunger seasons in years. In order to fully understand the situation Temwa undertook a situational analysis.

The analysis was conducted from 28th -31st January in 4 of the areas that Temwa covers; Usisya, Bula, Chikwina and Rurawe. The report indicates that the communities are experiencing a ‘severe  food, a situation much worse than the annual hunger season’.

Some of findings from the report are listed below:

  • 90% of respondents were eating one meal or less a day and of these, 35% indicated that they were eating meals as infrequently as every three days. 70% of participants believed that if the situation continues there will be death throughout the region.
  • Participants indicated that household income and savings is lower than other years, owing to 2014/15 poor harvest and a lack of income generation from cash crops. Average household weekly expenditure, for those taking part in the survey, was 2,000 MWK (about $2.80).

With such a devastating situation currently unfolding, many of the households in the region are adopting  survival coping strategies, which will serve to further erode livelihood resilience.

Some of the immediate livelihood consequences include:

  • Children being taken out of school, so that parents can use school fee money to purchase maize.
  • Health considerations have been side lined – the little money people do have is not being spent on accessing medical care. In addition, people are also too weak to attend health clinics, Temwa Support Groups, or educational sessions run by Temwa.
  • Increasing Micro-finance arrears – entrepreneurs are not paying back their loans because they are choosing to spend the money they have on food that they can find.

Temwa has circulated the full report to a number of emergency relief organizations in a bid to get them to come to the region to supply relief aid. However, reports received in the last week have indicated that many families are now digging up cassava crops early as there is nothing else to eat. This crop would be what people eat later in the year, without this the food crisis is set to continue for many more months.

Temwa is now launching an emergency fundraising appeal. We cannot stand by and watch the communities we serve suffer we have to provide them with the necessary support. We urge our supporters to donate whatever they can. Please help support the communities of Nkhata Bay North.


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