COVID-19 Crisis Appeal: Living Room Challenges



Join our online appeal to prevent the spread and help vulnerable communities respond to COVID-19 in Malawi.


Lockdown Living Room Challenges

During the COVID-19 restrictions, many people are taking up a new hobby or setting themselves challenges. Why not turn your new goals into a way to save and transform lives in Malawi. Set yourself a challenge and raise money for our #InThisTogether COVID-19 Crisis Appeal.

You could:

  • Do 200 Burpees / Squats a day
  • Host a quiz for your friends
  • Shave your head
  • Hey Mr DJ: allow people to control your music for a whole day
  • Sponsored silence
  • Run 5km every weekday (using your daily allowance)
  • Use your skills to teach people something in online videos
  • Drink only water
  • Complete a 10km run in your garden or living room
  • Coronavirus swear jar – anytime someone mentions it they make a donation

Transform Lives

In Nkhata Bay North, people are at risk from the spread of Coronavirus. Many have low immune systems (caused by HIV, poor nutrition, and preventable diseases) and families are dependent on communal farming.

Your support over the last 17 years has helped build resilience and improve sanitation. However, the communities are now facing a crisis. Families need urgent support to understand how to protect themselves. Communities and health centres need simple things like soap, gloves and masks to prevent the virus spreading.

The situation in Malawi is critical. There are a reported 25 ICU beds in public hospitals, serving 17 million people. Intermittent electricity means under-resourced hospitals and clinics face risks of equipment failure as well as overcrowding.

Your donation will enable our team to work safely with the district health services and provide masks, soap, washbowls and other essential supplies. We’ll also be distributing emergency hygiene awareness guidance to families using local radio channels. e distributing emergency hygiene awareness guidance to families using radio and news channels.

Every donation will be matched, bringing urgent health and sanitation kits to community health services and vulnerable families in high risk areas.

Get involved: Donate, Raise and Share

  1. Donate  you could donate your commute or daily coffee out during lockdown. Every donation will be doubled.
  2. Raise – set yourself a lockdown living-room challenge and create your own Crisis Appeal fundraiser, fill in the form and a team member will get in touch.
  3. Share – tell your friends about our appeal on social media (contact for social media images and info). Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for regular updates and to tag us in your posts.

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